Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Did You Ever?? Pushing Boundaries And Conquering New Lands.

I am happy to take what life hands me, turn it into what makes me satisfied then share my knowledge with others. I embrace my life with eager arms, the joy gladly, the grief less happily, but I allow myself to feel.
Boredom rents no idle space inside my head. I see it in others, but I do not give it a place to grow inside of me. It is only your brains way of telling you that it needs more than you are feeding it. Change its diet. Let boredom drive you to the furthest place you can reach.
Let go of the blame. Where you are standing now may be the fault of someone else, but where you stand tomorrow is your choice alone. Bitterness will make you lame, and steal your life if you let it.
Change the things making you unhappy, or adjust your attitude to make them bearable. Your own thoughts often color things darker than they really are. Pick a happier color. Paint a picture that gives you hope. Grasp that hope, placing it firmly in your heart and watch it thrive.
Most important of all to the miles that you are able to put behind you before your journeys end is your belief in yourself. That alone will carry you further than you ever dreamed possible. You have to know who you are. You have to believe in your ability. You have to know your worth.
You have to find your passion and release it. What you want has to become what you need. What you need has to become what you demand. Your demands become your passion. Your passion will make it all possible.
So push your boundaries, and see how much land you can conquer. Keep your eyes ahead. Never stop moving forward, or see where your standing as your final destination. Walk on eager to view what is on the other side of the hill. Make your life a journey worth taking..........