Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Idle Notions

Frowns inspire ugly wrinkles, but smiles etch pretty lines. A face wears the personality of its owner, use dark colors sparingly, if at all.

The things you do not get out of your system can bounce around inside, causing needless internal injuries.

Immediate responses to negative behavior will lessen both the bite of a bully and his willingness to attack you again. It took me forty years to learn that lesson by heart. My very existence depends on remembering the many life lessons I have picked up as I traveled on my journey; this was one of the first, and has proven to be one of the most valuable.

Beware of settling. But if it becomes necessary never be satisfied to settle like dust blown by a hostile wind. Be like a rock that escapes from under a heavy step, rolling toward freedom and safety on solid ground.

Your face is your billboard. What are you selling?