History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
Maya Angelou, American Poet and Writer
This quote gives me hope. Hopefulness is a state of grace that God endows all humans with at birth, but some of us lose the ability from being blindsided by heartache too often. I guess I am stubborn or too idealistic to buy into the idea that I deserve to just live a life of constant reliving of past blunders. I hope I can always learn enough from my mistakes to not make some of them over and over endlessly.
I hope. I seem to have a well of hope inside of me that never goes dry. If I face the past boldly then I will not be required to sing it over and over like a skipping record. What was does not have to be what is, unless we are determined to keep it. Some hug their heartache then bellow ouch endlessly. I say, "SHIT THAT HURT" then try to avoid stumbling over that same thing again.
I do not always succeed, which tells me that I have more to learn about what makes me tick. I take another long hard look if it is a mistake I have made before. I have so much to learn, it seems a bloody waste to keep learning the same thing over and endlessly over. Some lessons are just hard won. You cannot unlive your mistakes or undo misdeeds just by examining them, but you can learn what your weakest point is by looking over the past and taking notice of where you trip most often.
History is a body of knowledge of past events, better to learn from than repeat as if we are caught in a time warp. Tomorrow is another day, why live it as you did during an unhappy yesterday?? It is easier to avoid a pitfall than it is to climb out of it, but until you admit your own responsibility in digging the hole it is impossible to fill it. Learn then move on.