Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
John Locke, 1632-1704
English Philosopher
I read all the time, but unless I invite something to take up residence, inside my brain, it just passes on through, leaving only a faint impression behind that fades with time. But if I linger over something and assign it some space to build upon, it instantly takes root.
I study things that peak my interest, one bare fact links itself to another, automatically designing a special room where I can visit and contemplate in ease. I carefully consider its dimensions and furnishings, noting what needs added or rearranged to more perfectly suit a personal hunger I have for symmetry of the mind.
A natural flow of thought is comforting to me. Those quiet rooms, each with its own special decor, keep me centered inside the boundaries of the knowledge they hold. Clearer thoughts are possible in an orderly house, and that is how I see the collection of quiet rooms of knowledge inside my mind. Symmetry is a powerful aid to a tidy home.
You do not put a bed in the kitchen, or install a dishwasher in the bathroom. Having the forethought to separate knowledge that you wish to own into different locations gives an instant sense of ownership. And the bigger the home you own inside yourself, the better. The space available is limitless, making use of every inch only makes good sense.
Note to friend in need: I am there; in all the ways that matter, I stand beside you now and always. Trust that what you asked for is already there with more coming in all the time, even though you cannot feel it. My thoughts linger on you and the positive energy of those thoughts belongs to you. One breath at a time and one footstep, no matter how small will soon get you past this bumpy time.
Please understand how bright you are, self aware, valuable, and more complete than you realize. Repair what you have control of, one single thing at a time, sugar. Looking at it all at once is overwhelming and self defeating.
I do not need to find a way to knock down barriers with you, since I have a key to the door you stand behind. True sisterhood inspires complete understanding between its members. In joy or sorrow, we share and grow together. No walls, self built or otherwise, can bar entrance to any positive seed, lovingly planted in the secret garden of a sisters soul. Feel free to use my bootstraps, until you can find your own. Love you, more than words can express.