Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.
Harriet Braiker, American Psychologist and Management Consultant
Perfection is an unattainable concept, everything and everyone on earth is flawed in some fashion. But striving for excellence is the flame that ignites the blaze of imagination. One hand holding the flame, one heart perfectly tuned to its image can build a fire under it that will bring it to life.
Holding out for perfection is a fools pastime. And thinking you will ever reach it is a sure sign of an inflated ego. Being human enough to have flaws is more realistic than hoping for a state that does not even exist. The little imperfections give things character they would not possess if they were flawless.
I do my best to make this space as perfect as possible, yet it is far from that. But misspelled words or punctuation marks that are misplaced or misused show just how human I am. I will never be perfect, but what and who I am is special and my flaws are part of me too, it is pointless to pretend they do not exist.
I am in the midst of trying to revamp this space with more content. The photos are new, and other ideas are floating around my crowded brain. Any ideas of things you would like to see here would be most appreciated.