Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go.
Sylvia Robinson
Clutching is not the ideal way to maintain a strong, lasting grasp upon anything. More often than not it is a position of total desperation. And let's face it, most things are not meant to be held desperately tight.
Some people try that tactic to keep their mates and end up possessing nothing more than a hostage who escapes at the earliest opportunity. I have seen people so intent on keeping the dead alive that they give their whole life as a monument. I have seen dead horses kicked and sleeping dogs woken for senseless reasons. But clutching a lost cause will not validate its worth. It functions as a barrier, fencing us into a corner with no way out except to unclench and let go.
Fear is a doubled edged sword. Fright causes us to clench hold, but it frightens us more to let go. I decided long ago that I do not want to possess anything that requires a fisted hand to keep. I embrace things fully then step back and have enough faith in myself to let go. I am much more frightened of fences than I am of freedom. And my hands need to be always open to hook onto my dreams, not closed in a choke hold around my nightmares.