The real distinction is between those who adapt their purposes to reality and those who seek to mold reality in the light of their purposes.
Henry KissingerUS (German-born) diplomat & scholar (1923 - )
This quote makes me think long thoughts about my purpose and its place in reality. I am a warrior at adapting to reality, but a dream brought to life with a pure purpose constructs a reality all of its own. My site is a perfect example of that concept.
What was envisioned at first was much different from what is clear in my minds eye now. I began with one reality and once in place the site changed its purpose to a broader scope. That placed much more responsibility upon me to let it grow in the direction it so loudly proclaim it must. Right in mid stride, when I saw its needs changing I lost the power to get things done.
One man walking away, because of lack of time to give to the project, did not change the fierce need it has to change and grow. Wasting time crying about losing two hands who could have made it all easy will not do anything positive about giving breath to a project that is struggling for space to breathe. And frankly nothing in my life has ever been effortless, except writing, so I am used to struggling for what matters to me.
And Our Journey's End matters as much to me as life itself, not for my sake, not for fame or fortune, but because the dream shines so bright it demands all attention. Feeling as I do that to abandon it will mean that I will be abandoning untold numbers to danger of a living death or worse goes against everything precious to me. Encouraging others to claim their three feet of personal space, and escape a possible six feet of underground space is reward enough all in itself. As soon as I catch up with posts left undone this past week I will draft a letter that may be a solution. All who read here pray that I find the right words and they reach the right ears so that a worthy purpose can become a rock solid reality.