I woke up this morning to a comment that made me cry. Thank you Dee, for placing me on your wish list, and believing in what I say enough to think that others need to read it too. Thank you Annie, for rereading my words over and over then telling me about it. Thank you Zina, for seeing my work as worthy of the title of "Hannah's Bible". Thank you all friends, who comment when we meet, praising my small endeavor. I think of you all as family.
Thank you all strangers, who visit here and help to send my numbers up, and up, and up. Get to know me well then come introduce yourself. I love making new friends, and our family has room for countless members.
And to the person who is free falling beside me, hang on tight, because it is going to be a hell of a ride. I am in a magical place, soaking up the joy of free falling. Anything is possible. Take a chance. Free fall with attitude, and who knows, you just might reach your target too.