My lesson is clear. I must leave the telephone on and answer it every time it rings. I must call cable company and get computer hooked to internet via them, so phone lines are free and clear. It may already be too late to receive that call again, since this constitutes a pattern that satisfied neither. But just so I never have to stand in this same spot again I will put my plan into action and try to be content with the fact that I got the calls in the first place. It is little comfort, but it happens to be the only positive I can find. And positives are my thang.
I am a problem solver, but I woke up thinking about all the problem listers that I have met in my lifetime. You know the ones who complain about every tiny thing, but never seem to get past that point in the process. They rarely if ever conceive a plan or take a step toward solutions, just piling up the issues like treasures and of course none of it is ever their fault. I see no reason to share a list of the times I failed to cope. I see no sense in highlighting times I did not even try. Not that I have a list like that anyway.
So examine your lists if you have any. Or better yet just tear them up and make new ones. List solutions instead this time around, you might be surprised at how capable you are at solving problems. Then do me a favor after issues are resolved, share that example. It is only by comparing our strengths that we can inspire others to develop ones of their own.