Sunday, January 09, 2005


Once upon a time, my life overflowed with an endless river of complications, most created by others then deposited firmly at my doorstep for payment. After my awakening, my view was different, refusing to allow others to pollute my landscape with useless debris became a way of life. Believing that people will only do what I allow them to inside my three square feet of personal space has kept deposits minimal and cleanups brief.
All of that is wonderful, but to end it at the stage where I simply refuse delivery of baggage not my own leaves me still crippled by the complications that I invite and allow to take up residence in my life. It is one thing to refuse other peoples rubbish, quite another to clean up my own. Bad personal habits of any sort are delightful thieves of time and money. Emotional complications have enough thrills to keep us on the ride long after it is healthy. Pain from some things becomes as familiar as an old friend. Agony is powerful when linked to love. Feeling anything is more hopeful than simply being altogether numb. Etc, Etc, Etc. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda!!!! The list of possible self-inflicted complications we humans are capable of is endless. You got your list and I have mine.
My biggest complication right now is about to be attacked with every weapon at my disposal. Putting my money where my mouth is has been my creed for 11 years. To continue on same path I have to follow through with promises (to self and others) to rid my life of every negative I have control over. When a habit has you it is long past the time to regain the upper hand and toss it overboard. Going smoke free tomorrow morning and will succeed, because to fail again will make me a total slave to a disposable complication.
Examine your complications. Who put them there? Who owns them? Are they necessary evils, or needless torture? Bad habit, or bad idea that just will not die an easy death? Once you can answer those questions all disposals become much
easier. Here's to constructing a life as free of complications as is humanly possible.