Tuesday, December 21, 2004

A Train Ride

I took a train ride yesterday, a small adventure a friend said, but it was so much more. My first small steps beyond the boundaries set by the past are huge when viewed from my side of the spectrum. I gained more confidence from an hours ride alone, than I ever could have from a million traveled with anyone else.
So here's to train rides of every variety to destinations unknown, and the nerve needed to buy the ticket when the chance comes. Here's to chances given, and chances taken. May yours be numerous and filled with wonder.
All new beginnings follow endings of some sort as a natural progression of time and space. Time changes every landscape from what you see outside your window to what you see in the mirror. Embracing what is does not in any way devalue what was.
But packing your bags with too many things from where you have been leaves little room for filling them with treasures yet to come. So my wish for all my fellow travelers are empty bags to fill as they travel along.
Here's to filling them to overflowing and gaining the strength to carry them as far as is healthy before emptying them, without regret, then refilling them again over and over till journeys end.