Thursday, December 16, 2004

A Beautiful Journey

My life has become a beautiful journey, fueled by dreams achieved and fate embraced. Each footstep is scarey, but the thought of standing still is much more terrifying. I fear being satisfied with what I have now, when so much more just waits for me over the next hill. It will not simply come to me. I have to go to it, or accept this space as my final home.
Everything I have written about is being tested at this time. To drop the ball now would be to instantly make all my words just silly utterings. I am many things, but silly is not on that list, I pray. So I step forward past my fear, leap over every obstacle, and travel on.
I started this blog to help others, yet in a real way it helps me too. I read it from first post to last before I sat down to do this and can clearly see my own growth in the words I write. I say do, try, believe, then I follow my own advice. I say dream, imagine, soar, then I do. I say notice, own, and cherish your moments, because I know how far that can take you toward where you want to go.
I got word yesterday that the next poem I submitted will also be made into a flash movie, and today I submitted one more for consideration, because I plan to be busy putting some personal things in order and seek to not lose momentum while my focus is elsewhere.
I seek balance for every part of my being, to strengthen the whole. I seek independence from fear of all kinds that would make it easy to just call what I have accomplished so far as enough. I seek my destiny with no preconceived notion of just exactly what its form will be. That I do it in such a public way gives me strength that I would never have possessed any other way. What was good enough for me when I started this odyssey is no longer my reality.
I do not mean material things at all, but a richness that comes from within. If it brings wealth that will just be icing, but if I never mixed the cake there would be nothing to ice. And if I never began the climb I would never know what is just over the next hill. Are you a hill climber or a valley dweller?