I happen to be a widow, but that's only a small part of who I am. It's a label that leaves much unsaid. More of a condition tinting my lifepath with somber shades and slowing my footsteps to walking wounded speed, than a description that fits like a glove.
Smooth days hold the same wonder I've felt since my rebirth over ten years ago. But bumpy days have often left me feeling like a stuck far up a tree cat, clinging claws deep to a wobbly branch.
Those days have benifited me the most. Hateful hours spent climbing down unaided from lofty places have taught me to latch on to the tree just a gentle step up from ground level. That makes an easier escape possible, leaving some energy over for slaying the demons that inspired the tree clinging in the first place. Just an idle thought that I like to imagine might help someone else in their tree unclimbing efforts.