I never confuse the lack of money with the worth of a person. Your importance would not increase or decrease in my eyes even if your bank statement were pasted upon your forehead.
If you are worth knowing I will seek to know you for who you are, not what you possess. I hope you will return the favor. I am not for sale, and I can not afford to buy you. If you have a price tag, please peddle your wares somewhere else.
Some people work much too hard for much less than they are worth, while others work hardly at all for much more than they deserve. The sweat you give to your job rarely equals the pennies you end up with.
Some people are born wealthy, while others live and die without having much green paper. There are whole families that for generations have had more money then they could ever spend, living secure alongside whole families who for generations have never had enough. Most of us are somewhere in between.
It is important to avoid extremes when money is involved. Sometimes the more money you have the less value it has, or it has more value than it deserves, for all the wrong reasons. Its real value comes from the good it can accomplish. How much money you have is not a real measure of who you are, but how you use that money is. Money for moneys sake means nothing when measured through the eyes of those who have none.
The love of money has destroyed countless lives since man first invented it. Prisons are overflowing with the greedy. You keep yours if you have it. Worship it if that is your God. If your own measure, of your worth, is only what you possess live happily your narrow life.
I will keep my vision of green paper made in a factory. I will have less than you gladly and still know well my worth. I will be satisfied that I have never sold myself or bought a friend.
When I look at my fellow man I will look them in the eye, not in the purse. I will see clearly the person not the paper. I will share my worth in what I am, not what I own. Your pocket is safe from me, but your mind is another matter altogether. Your worth to me will be found there and if I enjoy the visit we will both come away richer for it, even if no one spends a dime.....